Ngwa obere nlekọta anụ ahụ dị obere nkeonwe nkeonwe dị mma Steamer Electric Facial Facial Sprayer

Ngwa obere nlekọta anụ ahụ dị obere nkeonwe nkeonwe mara mma Steamer Electric ihu igwe na-efesa ihe osise egosipụtara
  • Ngwa obere nlekọta anụ ahụ dị obere nkeonwe nkeonwe dị mma Steamer Electric Facial Facial Sprayer
  • Ngwa obere nlekọta anụ ahụ dị obere nkeonwe nkeonwe dị mma Steamer Electric Facial Facial Sprayer
  • Ngwa obere nlekọta anụ ahụ dị obere nkeonwe nkeonwe dị mma Steamer Electric Facial Facial Sprayer
  • Ngwa obere nlekọta anụ ahụ dị obere nkeonwe nkeonwe dị mma Steamer Electric Facial Facial Sprayer
  • Nkọwa dị mkpirikpi:

    Nkọwa ngwaahịa

    Mkpado ngwaahịa

    Mpaghara ebumnuche: ihu, ahụ
    Ebe Mmalite: Zhejiang, China
    Nọmba nlereanya: ZF2051
    Asambodo: ce
    Njirimara: Nchacha miri emi, moisturizer, na-edozi ahụ
    Enyere ọrụ ire ere: nkwado teknụzụ vidiyo
    Ngwa: Maka iji ụlọ
    Akwụkwọ ikike: 1 AFỌ
    Aha ngwaahịa: USB eletrik ihu NanoUzuzu sprayer
    Mmiri mmiri: 30ml
    Nha: 4*4*14.5cm
    mbukota: igbe agba
    Agba: ọcha/pink
    Batrị: 380mAh
    Voltage arụ ọrụ: 3.7V
    Ịchaji voltaji: 5V/0.5A
    Oge nchaji: 2-3 awa

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